Thank You for Creating Memories with Family-to-Family 2024!

This Christmas Eve, the spirit of giving shines bright at ECS. Through our Family-to-Family for the Holidays program, 84 families and 365 individuals experienced even more joy this season.

Thank you, Angel Ibarra, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships & Government Affairs, for your leadership, and to our incredible Head Start, Para Las Familias, Central East Regional Recovery Center, and ACCORD staff for partnering with him to bring this meaningful program to life for ECS families.

We are also deeply grateful to the parish communities of St. Paul’s Cathedral and St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, along with an individual donor, whose generous contributions made it possible to provide gifts for clients at Uptown and C-HRT Safe Havens, spreading holiday cheer even further.

To each of our incredible donors, your generosity has turned holiday wishes into reality for so many. You’ve truly made this season memorable!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Family-to-Family this year. December 2024.

Family-to-Family sponsors help create lasting memories for ECS children. December 2024.

Holiday Cheer at UTSH

Volunteers add Christmas spirit to UTSH. December 2024.

Last weekend, volunteers from St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, U.S. Bank, San Diego Gas & Electric, and our local community brought holiday cheer to ECS Uptown Safe Haven. Residents joined the festivities, decorated a beautiful tree, and added magical touches to their home.

Thank you to all of the wonderful people who helped decorate the safe haven facility. December 2024.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to St. Paul’s, U.S. Bank, and SDG&E for making this project so special. Your generosity brought warmth and joy to our Safe Haven residents during this season of giving.

The decoration event brough cheer to volunteers and residents alike. December 2024.

UTSH residents joined in crafting decorations. December 2024.

NHSA Site Visit at the Family Engagement Center

ECS Head Start staff shared FEC’s resources with NHSA visitors. December 2024.

Yesterday, the ECS Family Engagement Center (FEC) had the privilege of hosting the National Head Start Association (NHSA) for a meaningful site visit.

NHSA toured the FEC facility and heard informative presentations and testimonials. December 2024.

The FEC serves as a vital community resources hub, connecting families to resources through partnerships with organizations like Sharia's Closet and South Bay Community Services (SBCS). During the tour, NHSA heard powerful testimonials from parents and staff, highlighting the transformative impact of collaboration and support.

Thank you to NHSA for recognizing and celebrating our shared mission to strengthen families through community and connection!

GivingTuesday at Quigley Fine Wines

SAN DIEGO — In 2012, GivingTuesday was created to counter the consumerism of the holiday season with the spirit of generosity. Since its inception, GivingTuesday has been embraced by people and organizations across the globe, including ECS and its supporters.

Friends gather and enjoy the night while supporting the work of ECS. December 2024.

This year, ECS held an event at Quigley Fine Wines to fundraise for ECS programs and celebrate the community of dedication and generosity that has allowed ECS to continue transforming lives in San Diego for nearly a century.

Guests mingled, catching up with familiar faces and meeting new ones, while enjoying a beautifully arranged charcuterie board and wines unique to Quigley.

Joanie Huck, a parishioner of Christ Church and a former member of ECS’ Board of Directors, attended the event and commented on the importance of fundraising for ECS. “A lot of the projects need funding especially the mental health ones,” she said. “It’s a hard road for our clients.”

During her time on the board, Huck worked on many fundraising events, such as the annual gala. Her passion for ECS runs deep. “We’re so diverse and our staff is so talented,” she expressed. “I just love it.”

Toward the end of the evening, Development Director Tim Whipple shared ECS’ gratitude for everyone who donated to the 2024 GivingTuesday campaign. The initial goal for the campaign was $5,000, but through the generosity of ECS supporters, the campaign reached more than double that amount, totaling over $12,000 raised.

CEO Elizabeth Fitzsimons delivers an engaging ECS client success story. December 2024.

ECS CEO Elizabeth Fitzsimons shared an impactful update to UTSH resident Maria’s story, demonstrating just how necessary and powerful ECS programs are for people across the San Diego region.

ECS extends is thanks to everyone that has supported the mission to break barriers and transform communities. Whether it be a monetary donation, volunteering of your time and talents, or advocacy for ECS’ programs and clients, you truly make a difference.

The 2024 GivingTuesday campaign has concluded, but our End-of-Year campaign is ongoing. If you feel called to give this holiday season or beyond visit

Guests at ECS’ GivingTuesday event bonded with other ECS supporters. December 2024.

ECS’ leadership team among those at Quigley’s Fine Wines Tuesday night. December 2024.