You are helping someone like Michelle
Imagine sleeping outside every night, vulnerable and alone. That was Michelle’s reality after losing her husband and her home. “I was terrified. Being a woman on the streets is so dangerous,” she shares. Fear, hunger, and the struggle to survive consumed her days.
Thankfully, Michelle found safety, support, and a path to recovery at an ECS Safe Haven. For the first time in years, she had a warm bed, meals, and people who cared about her. “Having a safe place to sleep and people who cared about me made all the difference,” she says.
Today, you can directly help neighbors like Michelle through a gift to ECS. Every gift made up to $5,000 will be matched by an anonymous donor who, like you, is committed to transforming the lives of those in need.
By having access to residential support at C-HRT Safe Haven, Michelle found a roof over her head and a caring community that believed in her potential. “Being here has given me a chance to live again,” Michelle says. “Without ECS, I don’t think I’d be alive today.”
Her transformation is a testament to the power of a safe and supportive environment—something your kindness and generosity help provide.
Thank you for your generosity and for being the catalyst for change in so many lives. Your support is the spark that turns the darkness of homelessness into a future filled with promise.
To learn more, please contact
Kevin Lare, Annual Giving Mgr., at or 619-228-2812.