CERRC Receives Project W.E.S.T. Community Heroes Award — Episcopal Community Services

ECS CERRC Receives the 2022 Project W.E.S.T. Community Heroes Award

Community Heroes Award presented to ECS CERRC program October 2022.

On Oct. 22, Skylard Bishop, CERRC case manager, was presented with Project W.E.S.T.'s Community Hero Award for ECS' CERRC program. In Project W.E.S.T.’s third year of operation, this is the first award the organization has presented to a community partner. The award's purpose is to honor community partners who provide high-quality and competent care for their clients, offer consistent communication with Project W.E.S.T., do outstanding work in the community, and go above and beyond regular work responsibilities. Project W.E.S.T. is a Transformation Living Program in San Diego County for adults and youth that provides sobriety assistance through mentorship to become independent, productive adults.