From Head Start Student to Advocate

Amanda, now the policy advisor for the office of Chula Vista Mayor John McCann, is an advocate for ECS Head Start. However, her relationship with Head Start began years before she entered the mayor’s office; it began when she herself was a Head Start student. 

ECS Head Start gave Amanda’s family much needed support. *January 2025.

Amanda’s grandparents and her mother immigrated from Tijuana to Chula Vista when her mother was a little girl. Many challenges awaited her as she adapted to a new country and language. When she was in high school, she got pregnant with Amanda and while Amanda was a blessing to the family, the addition of a baby created new obstacles. Her mother worked one or two jobs at a time while also attending school. Amanda’s grandparents were able to care for her in her mother’s absence, but obstacles remained regardless. Amanda’s family needed support, otherwise her mother would need to drop out of school to continue providing for the family. 

Head Start created a strong educational foundation for Amanda. *January 2025.

Just in time, Amanda’s family found solace at ECS Head Start. Castle Park Head Start, located down the street from Amanda’s home, was also next door to her mom’s school, allowing the mother and daughter to spend more time together. “Sometimes during my recess and her nutrition break she would come to see me outside the gate, and we would play together,” Amanda recalled.    

Amanda shared a number of endearing Head Start memories, from lining up to walk to the playground, making friends, and even learning to always chew with her mouth closed. “I remember they [the Head Start teachers] would always do story time; they would teach us how to brush our teeth, how to read, how to clean up after ourselves. They were teaching a lot of basic social skills and just a lot of manners and how to be polite,” Amanda shared. “[My family] definitely knew it was a good place for me to be in and they saw me learning colors, I was learning my alphabet, I was learning how to socialize with other kids.” 

Preschool aged Amanda plays with classmates at Head Start. *January 2025.

Amanda and friends enjoy a cookie cake. *January 2025.

Head Start early childhood education goes beyond just academics and ensures that children are growing in all aspects of life. Amanda shared that as a shy child, Head Start helped her break out of her shell and feel prepared for kindergarten. “They really do prepare you for the next stages of life,” she said. 

Amanda’s positive experience with Head Start led her mom to place her younger siblings in the program, as well. “It really gave her peace of mind knowing that her kids are going to be okay, and they’re going to be learning and growing as a little person while she’s out there working and making sure she can provide for us,” she said. 

Amanda and her family are one example of the impact Head Start makes, but the quality early childhood education has touched countless families in the South Bay region. “They give you the tools you need in life,” Amanda said. “It’s very important that we are providing these programs to our low-income families just because there’s a lot of those here in South Bay and you can’t ignore it or avoid it.” Instead, of avoiding families in need of support, Head Start uplifts those families. 

ECS Family Engagement Center’s Grand Opening gave Amanda the opportunity to share her Head Start experience with the wider community. August 2024.

In August, Amanda attended and spoke at the grand opening of ECS’ Family Engagement Center (FEC). She shared how important it is to extend ECS’ services to any community member through a resource hub like FEC. “Having that hub there really helps families because now they don’t have to go look to find these resources,” Amanda said. “You’re bringing all of these resources to them, front and center.” 

Through her position in the mayor’s office and through her first-hand experience, Amanda knows that Head Start is a valuable part of the community. “I really do see the benefit of it. I experienced it, my family experienced it,” she said. “Head Start is pretty crucial for kids, especially at such a young age to get the ball rolling in their education.”  

Amanda advocates for ECS and Head Start through her position in the mayor’s office. September 2024.

San Diego is built on a beautiful and diverse community, and sometimes our neighbors need a helping hand. Head Start offers that support, but it truly takes a village. “It’s definitely really special because no one person or no one organization can do it all alone,” Amanda observed. “I think it’s beautiful for people and organizations to come together and provide that.” ECS Head Start is dedicated to the service of the community’s littlest learners and their families. A quality education is key to a bright future. 

To learn more about ECS Head Start & Early Head Start visit

*Caption dates may not be exact.