Craig French (left), CADTP Board President; Stacie Perez, Chair of the CADTP Certification Board, CADTP Board Member, and ECS VP of Programs; and Mustafa Nasheed, CADTP Board Member Nominee and ECS ACCORD Program Manager at the CADTP Fall Conference in Sacramento, California. November 2022.
On Nov. 2 and 3, Stacie Perez, VP of Programs, Mustafa Nasheed, ACCORD Program Manager, Carolina Gallardo, ACCORD Administrative Supervisor, and Monya Davis, ACCORD Lead Counselor, attended the California Association of Driving Under the Influence Treatment Programs (CADTP) Fall Conference in Sacramento, California.
This annual conference gives counselors new tools and innovative ways to engage those suffering from addiction and provides integration materials to help increase motivation for change.
Nasheed was nominated and unanimously confirmed as a new CADTP Board of Directors member. His assigned term is November 2023 to November 2025. Perez, a member of the CADTP Board since 2014, also serves as Chair of the CADTP Certification Board.
Through advocacy, education, and cooperation with legislators, state and local officials, and other community stakeholders, the CADTP association was established as a partner to its member organizations to promote understanding and defend the integrity of the California DUI Programs.