annual report 22-23

Elizabeth Fitzsimons Receives CEO of the Year Award

ECS CEO Elizabeth Fitzsimons smiles with her Rising Star Award. June 2023.

SAN DIEGO — At the core of ECS’ mission to break barriers and transform communities is the passionate leadership of its CEO, Elizabeth Fitzsimons. Her commitment to this cause has not gone unnoticed. Fitzsimons was recently recognized as a finalist for the San Diego Business Journal’s (SDBJ) CEO of the Year Award, and on June 27, she was honored with the Rising Star CEO of the Year Award. This achievement has filled the ECS board and staff with immense pride.

With a quarter of a century’s experience as a San Diego business professional and two years at the helm of ECS, Fitzsimons has demonstrated transformative leadership with solid business acumen. Her unwavering dedication to ECS’ purpose of cultivating a strong, vibrant, and just San Diego region is evident in her work.

ECS Leadership Team celebrates with Fitzsimon. From left to right: Hazzy Pipo, VP of Administration; Elizabeth Fitzsimons, CEO; Adrienne Wilkerson, Communications Director; Sherri Kelly, Chief of Staff; Rosa Cabrera-Jaime, Director of Early Education & Family Services; and Timothy Whipple, Development Director. June 2023.

Under Fitzsimons’s direction, ECS has seen substantial growth, including the launch of a new safe haven for unhoused individuals grappling with mental and behavioral health issues. She has also boosted the brand’s recognition and credibility in the community, fostered an inclusive work environment, and made it a point to visit various ECS program locations every Thursday. These are just some highlights of Fitzsimons’s effective servant leadership.

Upon receiving the award, Fitzsimons graciously acknowledged SDBJ for spotlighting the positive strides in the San Diego community. She thanked other finalists, ECS board and staff members for their collaborative efforts, ECS clients for their trust, and her husband for his unwavering support.

In her words, “I always leave these awards feeling so good about our community and all the good things that are happening.”

As Fitzsimons celebrates this well-deserved recognition, ECS looks forward to her continued contributions to the organization and the broader San Diego community.

From left to right: Tony Manolatos, Fitzsimon’s husband; Elizabeth Fitzsimons, ECS CEO; and Jessica Grounds, CEO of Corporate Directors Forum prior to the SDBJ CEO of the Year Awards Ceremony. June 2023.

ECS CEO Fitzsimons hugs Girl Scouts of San Diego CEO Carol M. Dedrich after receiving their awards. June 2023.

Episcopal Community Services Achieves Award-Winning Status

Step into a world of impact and inspiration with Episcopal Community Services (ECS), the proud recipient of the 2023 Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance. Presented by The Nonprofit Institute (NPI) at the University of San Diego (USD), this award recognizes ECS' exceptional board governance and commitment to creating a better future for the community it serves.

At the 19th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium in January, ECS was celebrated for its strategic planning efforts and innovative approaches. Our board and staff members attended the event to receive the award, network with peers, and gain new insights to bring back to the organization. With a collaborative approach, ECS' board and staff work together to drive growth and impact through thoughtful planning and effective decision-making.

ECS never settles for the status quo; we're constantly evolving and changing to stay ahead of the curve. This includes implementing a self-perpetuating board, a focus on diversity and representation, regular committee charter updates, and a commitment to expanding our reach and impact. With a shared vision of creating an abundant and equitable society where everyone has the potential to succeed, our dedicated board members are making a difference every day.

Are you ready to take your community impact to the next level? Join ECS as a board or subcommittee member and make a difference in your community. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please email


Celebrate with us at the annual Moonlight Ball on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at the beautiful Humphreys Half Moon Inn. This elegant fundraiser will feature fine dining, live music, dancing, and exciting auctions, all while raising critical funds for ECS programs serving individuals and families facing homelessness, behavioral health issues, substance use disorders, and early childhood education needs. Purchase your tickets at

ECS board & staff members attend the 19th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium to receive the Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance. Watch the ECS Kaleidoscope Award Video. January 2023.

CERRC Thanksgiving Lunch

CERRC and Uptown Safe Haven clients, ECS staff and board members, Bishop’s School students, and volunteers all enjoyed a savory Thanksgiving meal at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church yesterday afternoon. The event was touching and celebratory as CERRC clients received tokens of love and support for their recovery time.

Over 50 CERRC and Uptown Safe Haven clients were in attendance.

A special thanks to all participating organizations and individuals that helped make this event possible: St. Mark’s, St. James’, St. David’s, St. Paul’s, The Bishop’s School, ECS Moonlight Ball committee members, ECS staff, and all other volunteers. We appreciate your support.

Central East Regional Recovery Center (CERRC) provides outpatient treatment services to adults with substance use disorders. Treatment groups are offered at convenient times to meet client needs. Call for an appointment: 619-597-7335.

CERRC and Uptown Safe Haven clients enjoying an early Thanksgiving meal. November 2022.