Help secure critical
early childhood funding for
families in need.

ECS Head Start students enjoy indoor learning time with friends.

Education Funding

The ongoing state budget battle threatens critical educational resources, with over 11,000 subsidized childcare slots at risk of being cut. This impacts low-income children and families who rely on these services and many early childhood education providers who face financial difficulties.

Take Action Now

Call Governor Gavin Newsom’s office at (916) 445-2841 to advocate for the maintenance and expansion of subsidized childcare slots.

Antonio and Alexander play and learn during a PLF therapy session.

Behavioral Health Funding

The commendable decline in smoking rates has decreased tobacco tax revenues, a vital funding source for ECS Para Las Familias (PLF) and other behavioral health programs. PLF provides indispensable services to low-income children and families, essential for their development and well-being.

As these funding sources dwindle, finding sustainable alternatives to support these critical programs becomes increasingly urgent.

Take Action Now

Donate to support PLF directly.

Call your County of San Diego Board Supervisor at (858) 694-3900 to advocate for children’s behavioral health services.

Thank you for breaking barriers and transforming communities with us.