Episcopal Community Services

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ECS Honors Black History Month

Explore educational resources for a deeper understanding of Black History and American history. February 2023.

As we celebrate Black History Month, let us take this opportunity to honor and recognize the immense contributions of Black Americans to our country. Let’s celebrate their achievements and reflect on the ongoing journey towards achieving our nation’s founding ideals of freedom and equality for all. The story of Black Americans is one of determination and resilience in the face of adversity. The remnants of past and present-day injustices remind us that work still needs to be done. Discriminatory housing practices, excessive use of force by law enforcement, and unequal access to healthcare are a few examples of why we must unite to progress as a nation.

As an agency, ECS is committed to creating an equitable society for all. As our CEO, Elizabeth Fitzsimons, recently wrote, “as an organization, we value belonging and are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all we do. This includes speaking out against injustices and promoting a society where everyone can live free from fear.” Elizabeth’s powerful words are worth repeating today and every day.

The DEI committee invites you to immerse yourself in the history of Black Americans and their struggles for freedom. Visit the links below to learn more.

-ECS DEI Committee